Fall 2023 Executive Board

President - Dima Ghalili

Dima is a Senior studying Psychology and minoring in Applied Human Development. He has been a member of APO since Spring 2022. He loves the opportunities that have arisen from his involvement in APO, whether it be exploring parts of the city, serving his community, and meeting new people not only from BU but from all around Boston.

Contact: president.buapo@gmail.com

Membership VP - Risa Ito

Risa is a Senior majoring in Behavior and Health with minors in Public Health and Psychology. She has been a member of APO since Fall 2022 and am delighted to serve as an eboard member for the second time. Joining APO was one of the best decisions she’s made in college and strong friendships with other members of the fraternity that she otherwise would not have met. Her favorite services are the Allston-Brighton Food Pantry, RESPOND, and events from People Making a Difference. She’s looking forward to meeting all the new pledges and am excited for the semester!

Contact: mvp.buapo@gmail.com

Membership VP - Evian Tsang

Evian is a Senior studying Economics, Japanese Language & Literature, and Hospitality Administration. She has been a member of APO since Spring 2022. Her favorite services are Allston-Brighton Food Pantry and Bruins 50/50!

Contact: mvp.buapo@gmail.com

Service VP - Rudy Joseph

Rudy is a senior studying Education and Human Development with a focus on Educational Design for Transformative Social Futures and Youth Development & Justice. He joined APO in Spring 22 as a way to consistently be involved in community service during his time at BU. Some of this favorite events are Bro-Ba runs and volunteer opportunities at festivals. This semester’s festival service is with Spontaneous Celebrations’ Lantern Festival!

Contact: svp.buapo@gmail.com

Service VP - Kayla Ji

Kayla is a Junior studying Psychology and minoring in Business Administration. She has been a member of APO since Spring 2022. Through APO's service and fellowship opportunities, she has been able to meet so many new brothers and members of the Greater Boston Area. Her favorite services are the People Making a Difference Events!

Contact: svp.buapo@gmail.com

Fellowship VP - Polina Silkina

Coming soon!

Contact: fvp.buapo@gmail.com

Fellowship VP - Asya Dente

Coming soon!

Contact: fvp.buapo@gmail.com

Pledgemaster - Caedon Ng

Caedon is a senior studying Psychology and Public Health. He pledged in Fall 2021. APO has been such a fun experience, getting to know so many like-minded, service oriented peeps. Allston-Brighton Food Pantry is his favorite service, and anything with the Brothers is always a great time :D

Contact: pledgemaster.buapo@gmail.com

Pledgemaster - Ashley Lin

Ashley is a Junior studying Health Science. She joined APO in Fall 2022 because she was searching for a community to join with people who love to help out the community and do volunteer work. After being a part of APO for almost a year now, she is very glad she joined and has meet such great people, not only brothers but also community members as well! Her favorite service is the Allston-Brighton Food Pantry!

Contact: pledgemaster.buapo@gmail.com

Secretary- Huleymatu Sow

Coming soon!

Contact: secretary.buapo@gmail.com

Treasurer- Caroline Perna

Caroline is a Junior studying Human Physiology. She has been a member of APO since Fall of 2021. She loves the APO community because she has been able to form friendships with members and people all around the Greater Boston Area! Her favorite service is the Allston-Brighton Food Pantry. LFS.

Contact: treasurer.buapo@gmail.com

Sergeant at Arms - Rena Nurhussien

Rena is a sophomore studying Human Physiology and minoring in Arabic. She has been a member of APO since Spring 2023. She has always loved giving back to her community as it allowed her to meet new people, create meaningful connections, and memories which is why she knew that APO had just what she needed. Her favorite fellowships are Broba runs and volleyball!

Contact: saa.buapo@gmail.com

Webmaster/Historian - Julia F. Fernandez

Julia is a senior in a dual degree program with Advertising and Sociology with a Journalism Minor. She joined APO Spring of 2023 and loves the all the unique opportunities to make friends and serve the community! Her favorite service is Dress for Success and she loves any fellowship with big-little!

Contact: webmaster.buapo@gmail.com

Public Relations Chair - Sophia Featherstone

Sophia is a junior majoring in public relations and minoring in sociology. She has been a member of Alpha Phi Omega Zeta Upsilon since the fall of 2021. Sophia loves the APO community, which has allowed her to get to know more about her brothers as well as the Greater Boston area through service and fellowships. Her favorite fellowship is paint night, and her favorite service is pledge quiz grading.

Contact: pr.buapo@gmail.com

The Dynamic Duos



