Current Committees


We are always looking to promote leadership in our chapter. Below are our current committees open to all brothers & pledges to explore leadership within APO. Serving on a committee for the length of a semester is a service to the chapter, and can be rewarded with service hours.

Education & Reflection

The Education and Reflection Committee is an integral part of our service program at Alpha Phi Omega Zeta Upsilon. They work to inform our members on topics related to ethical volunteerism and social justice issues, such as homelessness, food insecurity, sustainability, health disparities, and more. At APO ZU we believe it’s important for students to have context about the communities where they service. This committee reports to the Service Vice President.


Even though we are a service fraternity, we need funds to function! Our fundraising committee works towards raising money to help mitigate chapter costs - decreasing dues, transport to/from services, and much more. We fundraise in many ways, including working with local restaurants, volunteering to clean BU’s Agganis Arena after events, as well as selling care packages and other treats to our peers. If you’re interested in fundraising, budgeting, or philanthropic planning, this is the place for you! The committee reports to the Treasurer.


During the year, we spend tons of time and energy doing service on campus and around the city. At the end of each semester, we like to have a little fun and have a formal! This is our end of semester celebration that is fully fundraised and student run/planned. It usually includes some great food and even better music (and dancing)! If you’re interested in event planning, fundraising, event logistics, and decorating, check out the iBanquet committee! This committee reports to the Webmaster.


The Sunshine Committee is a group within APO that aims to promote positivity and start conversations about mental health (& resources on campus), taking care of yourself in college, and spreading kindness. They create and organize fun fellowships to help brothers de-stress and have reflection conversations about mental health, self-care, and kindness, and organize projects to promote kindness and a growth mindset within our chapter. This committee reports to the Secretary.

Family Heads

When joining APO, all brothers will be grouped into gem families. There are 4: Emerald, Sapphire, Amethyst, and Obsidian. Throughout the semester the FVPs organize fun ways for families to gain points: T-Shirt Tuesday, Assassins, Mini Games, and much more. At the end of “Gem Wars,” the family with the most points gets $100 to donate to a local non-profit of choice (we’re all about that service!). If you’re all about fun and games, explore being a family head! Its a great way to get to know your family, the chapter, and e-board! The family heads report to the Fellowship Vice Presidents.

Have Questions about Leadership?

Email our current President: Jacob Nesson